by  Alexander Amelin

Breaking Barriers in Healthcare

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Universal healthcare initiatives such as value-based payment, evidence-based medicine, and population management are now dependent on big data, and to break through the barriers of traditional healthcare infrastructure requires agility that is only possible with the cloud.

The healthcare challenges of data consolidation, actionable insight generation, and strategy optimization are not new, but information and demand for perpetually improving services are moving at the speed of digital. The provider-payer relationship remains central to data generation—but mobile devices, apps, wearables, and even social media are now major contributors to a data landscape that must be navigated across all channels and stakeholders.

And clearly, healthcare providers are paying attention with the majority already using some form of cloud solution for reasons including:

  • Reduction in capital outlay
  • Resource constraints
  • Enhanced services
  • Improved performance
  • Improved security

But healthcare still lags behind financial services, tech, and education for cloud BI adoption.

Clearly opportunity remains for differentiation in the competitive space for healthcare brands willing to breakthrough with the cloud.


86% of cloud BI adopters name Amazon Web Services (AWS) as their first choice, and SoftServe is part of the AWS Partner Network with DevOps Competency Status. To learn more about how SoftServe and AWS can help your company bre akthrough with the cloud, read our latest white paper, “Elevating Healthcare with the Cloud”.

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