ML for Exploration with Amazon SageMaker


55 min



Amazon SageMaker eliminates most machine learning challenges by providing a fully managed ML infrastructure, tooling, and AutoML capabilities that empower state-of-the-art ML solution delivery in a time-efficient manner—and with minimal effort. Amazon SageMaker is an end-to-end solution that assists during all stages of the ML model lifecycle. During this webinar we showcase demo techniques for applying machine learning algorithms to seismic data using Amazon SageMaker for fault identification and horizons detection.

ML for exploration

About Speakers:

Andriy Kusyy

Andriy Kusyy

Andriy Kusyy is a Lead Data Scientist with more than five years of experience in building AI, big data, and advanced analytics solutions. Passionate about Computer Vision, Deep Learning, and Generative Modeling as well as applying other conventional Machine Learning techniques to various business problems. Has degrees in Data and Computer Science, as well as, broad engineering background. Andriy is leading multiple commercial projects, social, and research initiatives.

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