Ihor’s recent stories
Jul 31, 2018
Healthcare & Life Sciences
The Four Corners of Successful Healthcare Gamification
As gamification extends into other industries, how can healthcare capitalize on its many use cases?
Oct 30, 2017
Healthcare & Life Sciences
Voice AI: Enhance Patient Management & Healthcare Data
See how implementing a voice AI interface can speed productivity and grow your business
Oct 19, 2017
Healthcare & Life Sciences
Improve Healthcare Outcomes with Machine Learning
Unlock the mystery of machine learning for better healthcare outcomes
Oct 16, 2017
Healthcare & Life Sciences
Healthcare: Revenue Growth and Opti mization through ML
See how implementing machine learning can help your health organization optimize costs and grow revenue.
Sep 19, 2017
Healthcare & Life Sciences
Voice AI: Maintaining and Improving Health
Create a better path to healthcare with artificial intelligence and voice interface technology.