Patient First: Communication Flow in Healthcare
Learn how patient centered communication flow contributes to making healthcare more professional and collaborative.
Test Automation Framework. Serenity BDD: Getting Started
Looking for the best fitting Test Automation Framework? Give it a try with Serenity BDD.
Cloud Based Automation Testing with Selenium WebDriver: How Not to Get Lost
How not to get lost looking for cloud solutions for automation testing with Selenium WebDriver.
How to Save Lives by Reducing User Interface Errors
Learn how to build medical applications with a user interface that will reduce the number of system malfunctions.
Quality Assurance and Control 2015: What's in Trend?
With quality assurance and control being a mounting concern, testers need to start taking more ownership and leadership in business.
Six Steps to Improving IT Operational Efficiency
Here’s how to improve IT operational efficiency to expand into new markets, reduce expenses, and increase margins.
Add More Value: UX Presale Guide
With product conceptualization being a focus of UX deliverables, designers have to prioritize user needs wisely. Read a detailed guide on UX presale process to add more value to your business.