SoftServe’s IMP helps simplify transport systems by relaying helpful, real-time information back to users. This increase in productivity and time efficiency is a key differentiator for any business involved in or relying on transportation. Additionally, the IMP architecture is agnostic with respect to:
- How the truck connects to the system
- Format of the truck’s data
- Business logic required to process the data
This gives platform users the ability to support any device, connection method, data format, and business logic by writing high-level IMP applications and deployi ng them to the platform without having to make modifications to the platform. Also, the platform was designed to handle future IoT devices, data formats, large data volumes, and security.
Value Delivered
Within a three-month time period, the SoftServe team:
- Delivered a PoC using SoftServe’s IMP, which can be extended and operationalized as a solid foundation for future revisions of the TennSMART data platform.
- Presented the vision and developed a prototype that will support future platooning applications.
The prototype, which leveraged SoftServe’s IMP, was exposed to a large audience—including the Tennessee Department of Transportation and the TennSMART consortium members—accelerating discussions about future mobility and commercial investments in mobility concepts and directions.