SoftServe’s Financial Services Lab and the R&D team have been working on developing a voice enabled personal assistant, known as a ‘Robo-Advisor’, that assists investors through their whole investment decision-making journey.
At the heart of the solution lies a smart and transparent software algorithm, which is integrated into a user-friendly interface and uses Amazon Echo Show to brings the investing experience to a whole new level.
The algorithm utilizes big data, artificial intelligence (AI), and business intelligence (BI), and uses a few types of input parameters (quantitative and qualitative) for conducting the individual stock price predictions.

Use Cases
Accessibility and convenience – As the portfolio becomes increasingly compr ised of different assets, and its dynamics becomes more complex, this algorithm makes access to data more easy.
Advisory – The algorithm brings transparency to the advising process, including providing stock price predictions that calculate the future time series for an input of shares.
Investment risk assessment – The tool processes large volumes of correlated data from the market in real-time with a high degree of accuracy, helping to assure investors in their certainty making decisions.
Portfolio optimization – The product provides investors with three alternative portfolio strategies to follow, with respect to the level of risk and returns:
- an optimal strategy
- minimum risk strategy
- highest returns strategy (highest risk)
Wealth management, personal pensions, advisory, discretionary, financial logistics, relationship management, and investment banking