SoftServe Meet-up: How Autonomous Mobile Robots Are Changing the Retail Landscape


Dec 13, 2018


SoftServe Austin HQ - Austin, TX

SoftServe’s robot—Booter 2.0—is coming to Austin!

Supply chain, logistics, in-store operations, and many other areas in retail are suffering from major labor challenges these days. Faster, cheaper delivery is driving the biggest retail companies in the world to optimize logistics and labor expenses and minimize delivery time. Enter: robotics.

Retailers are investing millions in building automated warehouses, optimizing logistics, supply chain processes, and in-store operations—some of them are even buying robotics companies directly. And as the market expands, robotics is becoming an option to more retailers, available to smaller companies and even retail startups.

At our robotics meet-up, the presentation will begin by describing how mobile robots and automation help e-commerce and retail companies solve business challenges of high customer demand and labor shortages.

The second half will delve into technical detail, explaining Robotics Operating Systems (ROS), environment simulation, mobile robot navigation principals (SLAM, pathfinding), and other robotics challenges.

After the presentation, attendees are invited to interact and learn about our real robot, Booter 2.0.


Lyubomyr Demkiv, Ph.D., Principal Research Engineer, SoftServe

Lyubomyr has 15 years of experience as a software and research engineer, primarily working on IoT, and embedded and robotics systems.

He is also a Co-Director of NATO SPS MYP project G5176, associate professor at FAPPS UCU, and Sc.D. student at LPNU. His academic studies and research work is mainly related to dynamical systems intelligent control. Lyubomyr joined SoftServe to contribute his rare mixture of practical and academic skills in IoT and robotics projects.

Valentyn Kropov, AVP, Retail Vertical Lead, SoftServe (Austin, TX)

Valentyn Kropov is an AVP & Retail Vertical Leader at SoftServe, specializing in advanced technical solutions for inventory management, demand forecasting, personalization, etc. He is a passionate early promoter of new trends and technologies like robotics, big data, data science, and automation. Valentyn concentrates on behavioral analytics, machine learning, personalization, and other aspects of the retail industry to implement next-generation recommendations, customer experience engines, and augmented analytics.

Valentyn is a founder of GeekSpeaks, an IT school where hands-on IT engineers teach new technologies; founder of the Kyiv Big Data Community, the largest Big Data community in Eastern Europe; and an IEEE and Cloudera author.


December 13, 6:00-8:00 PM


SoftServe Austin HQ
201 W. 5th Street, Suite 1550
Austin, TX 78701

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