Financial Services

Spend Management Solutions for Fintech Company

Founded in 2006, the company provides cloud-based solutions to realize bottom-line financial success via Savings-as-a-Service. The company offers a suite of applications for procurement, expenses management, accounts payable, and others. More than 500 customers doing business in more than 100 countries already use this solution to manage spends effectively and to support business agilely.

Business Challenge

The client sought qualified resources to support the company’s scalability and growth. They needed a partner who could meet the requirements and share their strategy, culture, and core values. SoftServe had the following tasks:

  • Increase the quality of the existing solution
  • Implement additional features to attract more end users
  • Deliver high-value codes and solutions
  • < li>Improve product quality by sorting out product backlog

Project Description

Our cooperation started in 2012, the outsourcing of a small fix-cost project aimed at developing one of the application's core modules—sourcing. We developed a solution that provides consumers with visibility of easy-to-manage events, real-time supplier competition, and more. The introduction of a live chat has significantly enhanced collaboration between suppliers, ensuring their participation in the procurement process. After the successful completion of the project, our cooperation moved to the next level, and the client introduced SoftServe to other teams. Now, we are fully integrated into the client’s development lifecycle, and are engaged in nearly every ongoing project. Our team has grown six times from the beginning of the cooperation.

Value Delivered

SoftServe helped our client to develop a great expense-management solution, giving them the ability to face business challenges confidently and realize ROI that starts within a few months and grows continually.

We continue to implement additional features, which will attract more end users based on the market-demand analysis. We had a few product releases as well as many maintenance releases with hotfixes. In addition, we increase the product quality and scalability, as the client’s customer base grows. Moreover, we designed an automation framework for integration tests development. Thus, we continue delivering not only professional software services and solutions but also an excellent customer experience.

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