SoftServe Meetup: The Immersive World of AR


Jun 05, 2018


SoftServe HQ - Austin, TX


Inspired by the future, SoftServe’s Research and Development (R&D) team is sharing its vision around the immersive world of augmented reality at our latest meet-up, “The Immersive World of AR.” Join us at our SoftServe HQ in Austin for free food and local craft beer as we share our demos, Tustan AR and Money AR.

While AR presents problems for many when it’s applied to outdoor conditions, SoftServe’s R&D team will explain how we successfully implemented it for our Tustan app, which allows users to walk through a 9th century castle. SoftServe’s R&D team researched, localized, and solved the problems of nonuniform topology and geometry, as well as changing weather and environment conditions.

R&D will explain how we implemented visual object reconstruction, matching, and augmentation in real time with mainstream smartphones, reading outdoor objects under complex lighting conditions using the camera and motion sensors.

Attendees will see and be able to download the app and run the demos on their devices during the meet-up.

We will also present our secondary demo, Money AR.

About the Speakers

Sam Frish – VR Engineer, Research and Development

Sam Frish is a VR Engineer on SoftServe’s R&D team. He has 13 years of professional experience developing games, and is the keynote speaker and host of UAFPUG, a speaker at FlashGAMM, Lviv GameDev, GameMixer, and De:coded conferences, and a contributor for Gamasutra.

Zoriana Doshna – Manager, Research and Development

Zoriana Doshna has been a manager on SoftServe’s R&D team for nearly 5 years, helping research teams to transform raw ideas into reality, from ERP systems and operational dashboards, to sensors and data.


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

5:45 – 6:15 pm – Networking / Meet-and-greet with free local craft beer and tasty food
6:15 – 8:00 pm – Presentation, followed by Q&A and networking


SoftServe HQ
201 W 5th Street, Suite 1550, Austin, TX 78701

About Meetup

Meetup is organized around one simple idea: when people get together and do the things that matter to them, they are at their best. And that’s what Meetup does. It brings people together to do, explore, teach and learn the things that help them grow. Join SoftServe’s meetup community in Austin.