SoftServe Sponsoring KronosWorks 2017
Nov 12, 2017
Las Vegas, NV
WHAT: SoftServe will be sponsoring KronosWorks 2017, the world’s leading workforce information exchange. With an emphasis on peer-to-peer networking and interaction, KronosWorks gives attendees the exclusive opportunity to promote products and services to nearly 2,000 attendees and decision makers from today’s industry-leading organizations.
WHO: SoftServe’s Feyza O’Connell, VP, Senior Client Partner; Vitaliy Moroz, Delivery Director, Kronos Practice Lead; Mykhailo Sheludiakov, Application Consultant; and Zenoviy Veres, Technical Lead, Integrations. They will present company’s products and services to professionals in HR, payroll, finance, operations, senior leadership and more. To schedule a meeting or find out more, please reach out to Olga Mileyko.
WHEN: November 12-15, 2017
WHERE: Las Vegas, NV
About KronosWorks
KronosWorks is the world’s largest venue for exchanging ideas on how to effectively manage the workforce. With nearly 2,000 attendees, unrivaled access to Kronos experts, and countless networking opportunities, KronosWorks gives attendees everything they need to get the most from their Kronos solutions. More important, it gives you the opportunity to meet and connect with them for maximum exposure and results.