SoftServe Named Among Top Digital Services Providers in Retail in Zinnov’s 2016 Ranking

SoftServe, a global leader in digital software development and consulting, was ranked among the top Digital Service Providers in the Zinnov Zones for Digital Services in Retail, 2016 by management consulting firm Zinnov.
The report evaluated 21 leading digital service providers focused on the retail vertical. Zinnov evaluated service providers on two key areas: Retail Digital Prowess and Scalability. During the evaluation process, Zinnov also interviewed some of SoftServe’s Retail customers and considered the plans and possibility for growth and digital transformation. The results ranked SoftServe in the Execution Zone as an established niche service provider with a focus on transforming the end user experience by leveraging digital technologies.
“SoftServe has the capability to deliver across the spectrum of retail digital services. The experience of working with a diverse set of top retail enterprises globally and the ability to leverage advanced digital technologies, including IoT and Big Data, in solving retail business challenges have helped in making SoftServe an accomplished digital partner for retailers. A focus on digital ecosystem leverage along with augmentation of digital workforce will further help SoftServe strengthen its positing in the market,” said Akshat Vaid, Engagement Lead - Digital Transformation at Zinnov .
For more than 20 years SoftServe has been enabling retail organizations to develop their business and technology potential across customer experience, mobile, commerce platforms, and payment system integration. With industry expertise in retail-centric technology areas such as experience design, CMS implementation, payment system integration and beyond, SoftServe has transformed the way thousands of clients do business with the most innovative digital technologies and processes available. Check out some of SoftServe’s successful projects with Panasonic Appliance Air-Conditioning Europe, Shell Retail Ukraine, and Avery Products.
“SoftServe is a strong player in the Digital Retail Segment with significant investments in hiring industry leaders, subject matter experts, and customer experience process experts who understand the latest trends and disruptive change happening from the marketing to end user levels,” said Robert Corace, EVP, Digital Disruption, SoftServe. “SoftServe provides digital technology innovations to help tap into information and insights that make it possible to understand and delight customers and end consumers better than ever before.”
SoftServe’s Digital Transformation incorporates highly skilled engineering for software firms and enterprises, coupled with domain expertise in Retail, Media, FinTech, and Life Sciences/Healthcare, to deliver customized solutions that has transformed the way thousands of global organizations do business.