SoftServe Wins Connected Mobility Solution of the Year at European IT & Software Excellence Awards

SoftServe, a global technology solution provider, today announced it has received the accolade of connected mobility solution of the year at the European IT and Software Excellence awards.
The winning entry outlined the development of a working prototype of an Android application Sense360 for Outcomes Based Healthcare. The app predicts outcomes such as quality of life in people with diabetes by collecting both actively entered patient-reported outcome survey data and continuous passively gathered sensor data. The app uploads and stores this data securely on and Amazon Web Services, and downloads it for machine learning analysis to identify correlations.
In their eighth year, the European IT & Software Excellence Awards attracted over 400 entries from more than 31 countries. The award winners were recognised for demonstrating how carefully the industry has been listening to its customers and building solutions that really do make a difference.
“We are very proud of our collaborative work with Outcomes Based Healthcare and needless to say, we are delighted that it has been recognized as a solution that will make a difference” states Juan Turruellas, EVP World Wide Business Development, SoftServe. “Our ability to rapidly develop and test the OBH prototype enabled the project to be completed faster and more efficiently, resulting in greater value for all.”