Empower your geoscientists, reservoir engineers, exploration and field development teams with intelligent data-driven tools. Ensure automated workflows in oil and gas exploration to improve accuracy, enhance data visualization, reduce uncertainty and data processing time. Apply big data, ML, AI, and data science for improved exploration, hydrocarbon recovery, field development, and drilling planning.

Talk to our experts

Oil and Gas Exploration Challenges

Oil and gas exploration requires gathering, processing, and analyzing vast volumes of subsurface data from multiple structured and unstructured sources. Companies collect seismic data, drilling logs, wireline logs, coring data, and other geophysical data for years, which makes hydrocarbon exploration, data management and processing challenging tasks.

Data complexity and diversity prompt operators to stick to a time-consuming approach using inefficient tools for the data analysis process, interpretation, and management. With the growing number of projects and tight deadlines, the lack of automated workflows makes hydrocarbon exploration expensive and ineffective. Energy companies face major challenges:

  • Imprecise estimation of existing and new reserves
  • Low reservoir recovery rate
  • Inherent uncertainty caused by factors such as data resolution or instrument accuracy that may lead to wrong conclusions
  • Expensive subsurface data processing that requires High-Performance Computing (HPC) results in a very long data processing time
  • Manual analysis, correlation, and collation of multiple structured and unstructured data sets is time-consuming and may lead to wrong decisions
  • Lack of clarity of the dynamic reservoir conditions

Expertise in Oil and Gas Exploration Software Development

  • Data Processing
  • Data Interpretation
  • Data Visualization and Contextualization

Implement automated workflows with AI instead of manual well log and seismic data management and preparation. Apply advanced technologies to accelerate exploration activities and improve asset value in every part of the data journey.

Benefits of Intelligent Oil and Gas Exploration

AI, ML, computer vision, and predictive analytics in oil and gas exploration dramatically enhance companies’ exploration strategy, field development, and drilling planning. Intelligent oil and gas exploration solutions help mitigate major challenges associated with data processing, interpretation, visualization, and management. Augmenting traditional processing techniques and physics-based models with data-driven models, AI/ML technologies, and our partners’ cloud HPC capabilities is a proven way to more efficient hydrocarbon exploration.

Leverage SoftServe’s oil and gas consulting and engineering services to experience these benefits:

  • Accurate hydrocarbon location prediction using ML
  • A better understanding of reservoir dynamic conditions
  • Overhauled field development strategies
  • Increased reservoir recovery which leads to better production rates
  • Improved drilling plans
  • The reduced time frame for processing, management, and interpretation of well-logging data
  • Enhanced visualization capabilities which allow engineers to manipulate data from multiple sources
  • Minimized resources required to process and accelerate AI/ML insight
  • Improved decision-making and reduced uncertainty in the data and models
  • Hassle-free document processing and management
  • Accelerated time to first oil
  • Reduced expenses on hydrocarbon exploration operations
  • Adoption of emerging technologies and competitive advantage over other players on the market

Intelligent Oil and Gas Exploration in Action


Adopting intelligent solutions in oil and gas exploration presupposes multiple challenges including lack of skills, preparing the quality training data set, interoperability with legacy technology, technical debt, and insufficient data management. Learning how to prevent these challenges gives confidence to start the digital transformation in the upstream sector. Discover how big data analytics, ML, and AI in oil and gas exploration make a difference.
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Oil And Gas Exploration Software Development: Why SoftServe?

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