by  Ralitsa Stoyanova

Salesforce Keeps the Throne as #1 CRM System

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Earlier this year, International Data Corporation in its latest Worldwide Semiannual Software Tracker® ranked Salesforce as the #1 CRM provider. The global leader in the industry has proudly kept its place on the throne for an impressive ninth consecutive year.

The Worldwide Semiannual Software Tracker® strives to provide an overall look at the global software industry, while drilling down to key segments and factors such as technology development, global market dynamics, competitors, and historical performance. The ranking is based on IDC 2021 Revenue Market Share Worldwide, in which Salesforce stands out with 23.8%.

Once again, Salesforce has proven itself as a trustworthy and solid advisor that is agile and adaptive to the customer’s constantly changing needs and preferences. What makes the company loved and relied upon by its customers is the tone of voice and communication style, which follows the belief that smart things are indeed simple. However confusing customer relationship management may be, achieving business goals is easy with expert help, thorough planning, and a detailed view of the big picture.

Even when presenting a specific functionality, Salesforce loves dressing knowledge and guidance in particular examples for easier customer comprehension. This is a company policy that moves beyond regular service delivery and makes every business relationship personal, transparent, and reliable.

While exceeding the common expectations for a customer-centric company, Salesforce is also the market share leader in IDC’s classification for customer service, sales, and marketing applications. To a great extent, this is due to the intrinsic and out-of-the-box functionalities that make the overall solution very intuitive and user-friendly.

SoftServe congratulates our partners on their well-deserved recognition. With Salesforce technology solutions, we empower enterprises worldwide by performing some of the most complex platform implementations, enhancements, and integrations.

If you would like to learn how to improve your sales efficiency and market position, LET’S TALK about how SoftServe and Salesforce can help you.