Success in going agile and implementing test automation is only as good as the team who can successfully put it into action. At SoftServe, our teams have helped with countless SDLC redesign projects, such as helping Kyivstar redesign their SDLC to improve their mobile services by up to 30%.
Here are our secrets to success.
Setting the Right Goals
When it comes to redesigning an SDLC, the best approach starts with successful collaboration and clear project goals—especially when implementing the agile methodology. Things move more quickly, and so the right objectives need to be set with the full support of all parties.
The best way to do this is to uncover potential project challenges from the very beginning to help you get the full set of benefits that come from outsourcing.
At SoftServe, our process focuses on analyzing team structure, development processes, business domains and tools, as well as identifying gaps, risks, and opportunities that need to be addressed in order to refine and optimize the entire collaboration process.
Monitoring Execution vs. Goals
Successful projects rely on a careful balance of monitoring execution against the goals that are set in place. Important metrics provide insight as to the velocity and quality of estimates, quality/issues open/reopen, cycle time, and other product quality assessment measurements.
At SoftServe, our Abiliton dashboard tracks projects and metrics, using them as a measuring tool to gauge project success.
When switching to an agile environment, keeping track of project timelines and goals is imperative. Velocity and quality estimates allow you to uncover how much time your team needs to produce quality product value.
Finding the Right Technology Experts
Redesigning a legacy software development process requires expertise. In a fast-moving, agile development process, it’s more important than ever to rely on those who have successfully accomplished these projects before.
At SoftServe, we use our market-leading methodology to seek out and maintain a team of technology experts.
To learn more about the processes behind transitioning to a new SDLC, read our latest white paper, “Going Agile: Redesigning Your SDLC.”